Objective Science Reporting Programme - Orientation Session for the Media Base

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The Objective Science Reporting (OSR) Programme is aimed at minimizing the dissemination of misinformation, disinformation and mal information on scientific findings to the public through print and electronic media (including social media). In this scenario, a “Science Base” and a “Media Base” will be identified, make them aware of objective and the way forward of the OSR programme and be linked together to achieve the above-mentioned objective.

The “Science Base” consists of “Contact Points” from the stakeholder scientific organizations and the “Independent Scientific Group” with scientists who are serving at the Science Faculties of the local universities and retired subject specialists of the above-mentioned stakeholder scientific organizations have already been identified by the NSF.

To identify the “Media Base” an “Orientation Session” was organized in collaboration with the President’s Media Division (PMD) and held in the PMD Auditorium on 25th April 2024 with the active participation of 24 media personnel representing print and electronic media (TV – 08, Radio – 05, and newspapers – 11). They were made aware of the objectives of the OSR Programme and the way forward.

Two resource persons; Prof. Chandana Jayaratne, Chairman, Arthur C Clark Institute for Modern Technologies and Mr Thusitha Malalasekara, a Veteran Science Communicator shared their knowledge and made presentations on “Significance of Science Reporting & Lifelong Experience with Media in Science News Reporting”, and “Challenges for Objective Science Reporting”, respectively.

A “Panel Discussion” moderated by Mr Dhanushka Ramanayake, Director General, PMD with the participation of Prof. Ranjith Senaratne, Chairman NSF, Dr Sepalika Sudasinghe, Director General, NSF, and the two resource persons was also held successfully at the latter part of the event. Media personnel in the audience also actively participated in the panel discussion and made many positive comments on the programme.

The next step would be to organize a forum to meet the “Science Base” and the “Media Base” together soon.