Board of Management

The NSF is governed by a Board of Management, which consists of the Chairman; the Director; a member each representing the University Grant Commission (UGC), the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), The Institute of Engineers of Sri Lanka (IESL) The National Institute of Education and the Ministry of Finance and four members appointed by the Honourable Minister of Education The Director functions as the Chief Executive Officer of the foundation which has seven scientific divisions.

Prof Saman SeneweeraProf. Saman Seneweera
National Science Foundation

dr sepalikaDr Sepalika Sudasinghe
National Science Foundation

Mr Aruna Priyadarsha Kurumbalapitiya
Treasury Representative
Director General
Department of Management Audit

Prof. N A K P J Seneviratne
UGC Representative
University Grants Commission (UGC)



suninawarathnaNIE Representative
National Inst. Of Education (NIE)


Prof Ranjith Dissanayake
Prof. Ranjith Dissanayake
IESL Representative
The Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL)



kaumalProf. Udeni P Nawagamuwa 
SLASS Representative
Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science





Prof. D A P De Silva
Professor (Chair)
Department of Sociology
University of Colombo




kularathna Prof. M G Kularathna
 Department of Economics

 University of Kelaniya





jeewanthaProf. W A P Jeewantha Premaratne
Professor in Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
University of Kelaniya





template photoProf. E Dilip De Silva 
Retired Senior Professor and Chair
Organic Chemistry
University of Colombo