Science and Technology Management Information System (STMIS), the window to S&T information...

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stmis old picScience and Technology Management Information System (STMIS) is an online information system developed and maintained by the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka which contains latest information related to S & T related personnel and the organizations of the country. As mandated by the Science and Technology Development Act, No. 11 of 1994, STMIS was established in 2004 through the Science and Technology Personnel Development Project under the patronage of Asian Development Bank (ADB) by then Ministry of Science and Technology.

Having realized the importance of one-stop information source containing personnel and institutional information related to R & D, the STMIS provides latest information on expertise and resources availability in Science and Technology sector in the country. Such information is essential to build up networks and linkages between relevant parties to share human and physical resources as well as knowledge, to work towards a common goal which is productive rather than working in silos.

STMIS expanding its scope in bringing together Policy makers, Industry partners, Higher education institutions and S&T and R&D centers as a working network and facilitating the establishment of new partnership to share and exchange information regarding capabilities of institutions and individuals, introduced a new online system in 2019 with new features including the facility for the S&T personnel to register/update their information online. This mobile friendly site can be accessed through

stmis new picThe upgraded System was launched online ceremonially with the graceful presence of Hon. Thlianga Sumathipala, State Minister of Technology & Innovation along with Secretary to the Ministry of Technology & Innovation, Acting Chairperson and Director General of the National Science Foundation.   

The System currently possesses information of over 7000 S&T personnel including their expertise, current research, consultation, and publications. Further, institutional information includes training courses and services offered by various R&D related institutions, technologies developed by those institutions and highly specific scientific equipment available with them.

While in the process of streamlining its functions; being a reliable information source and providing the information to relevant parties to serve specific purposes, STMIS keeps its registrants updated about the opportunities available locally and internationally for funding, collaboration, and personal capacity development. Furthermore, STMIS provides a channel to disseminate updates on scientific events and academic courses in the country, reaching out to a group of individuals who could be highly interested in receiving them thus providing the organizers a better reach.

The STMIS is continuously progressing towards sustainably modifying the software, incorporating modern features in line with the international trends and local requirements for which suggestions from any interested party is welcomed.