Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences

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 E-ISSN :- 2478-1169

 Print ISSN :-  0258-9710


Indexed in:

  • Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • Scopus

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Current IssueVol.47 No.2
Cite Score - 0.8

Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences (SLJSS) has been in publication since 1978. The journal is published twice a year (in June and December) by the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka. The journal entertains Social Science articles of multidisciplinary nature focused on Sri Lanka and/or other South Asian countries. This journal has wide circulation within Sri Lanka and abroad. SLJSS is currently indexed in SCOPUS and the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). The SLJSS also provides an important window for influencing policy and action at various levels.


Review Article

A review of state of “Abortion in Sri Lanka” in contemporary discussions
Sithmi Attanayake




Research Articles

Pathway for Industry 4.0 implementation in a Lean Manufacturing environment: evidence from Sri Lankan apparel sector
M. R. F. Nasra and A. M. A. S. M. Bandara





Effectiveness of National Innovation System of Sri Lanka: examining the roles of universities, S&T institutions and industry
R. N. Weerasinghe, A. K. W. Jayawardane and Qiubo Huang





Behavioural intention to adopt mobile trading apps: an integrated theoretical and digital frame work, privacy concerns, and information richness model
Imran Ul Amin, Ishfaq Hussain Bhat, Rais Ahmad Itoo and Anisa Jan




JSSImpact of digital transformation on financial performance of licensed commercial banks in Sri Lanka pre and post COVID-19 pandemic
H. M. D. K. Herath and Muthubandara Gamlath 




JSSPresenting future brides: The English matrimonial advertisement as a window to social class in Sri Lanka
Malshani Gamage and Kaushalya Perera




JSSImpact of urbanization on energy intensity in SAARC countries: an empirical analysis
K. F. Rinosha Ahzan and Anuruddha Kankanamge





Extent and predictors of socio economic deprivation in urban geriatric subjects: evidence from Varanasi, India
Priya Keshari and Hari Shankar





The trichotomy of Needs Theory and irrational investor behavior through investor category: evidence from Sri Lanka
N. P. K. Ekanayake and P. A. N. S. Anuradha





Proposed variant of Myers’ Index
Jamal Abdul Nasir, Maira Imtiaz and Maliha Javaid

Previous Volumes


Vol 47, No 1


Vol 46, No 2


Vol 46, No 1


Vol 45, No 2

Volume 1

Vol 45, No 1